
初搬進現在的單位,花了近一年時間去調試聲音,學習Acoustics,和測試房間的聲學特性。一個會考數學拿E的文科生,晚上竟呆在睡房,研讀二次余數方程 sn=n2 mod(p)。
Whenever Im weary
From the battles that raged in my head
You made sense of madness
>When my sanity hangs by a thread
I lose my way, but still you
Seem to understandNow & forever,
I will be your man
Sometimes I just hold you
Too caught up in me to see
Im holding a fortune
That heaven has given to me
Ill try to show you
Each and every way I can
Now & forever,
I will be your man
Now I can rest my worries
And always be sure
That I wont be alone, anymore
If Id only known you were there
All the time,
All this time. . .
Until the day the ocean
Doesn't touch the sand
Now & forever
I will be your man
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