一間曾經任職六年o既公司, 一個我曾經跟過六年o既老細. 今日覺得, 好似完全唔認識咁. 係咪一發圍, 人就會變?
成就(或者發圍)o既標準, 對每個人黎講可能都唔同. 由當日公司唔夠 Cash flow, 每個人只係出住四千蚊糧, 大家都可以樂觀面對, 共渡難關. 到家陣有 over 一半 market share, 過千萬 turnover, 用我自己把尺度, 我覺得都已經係幾成功. 但而家, 無咗士氣, 就算做過千萬, 過億 project 又點? 可以維持嗎? 反而當日大家一齊捱, 都仍然覺得公司有明天。老闆可能讀得太多成功學的書籍,只懂Think Big,不懂Think Small。公司由小變大是令人振奮的,由大變小卻是令人沮喪的。
1. Pushing up sales/revenue target every year
Business plan should be made with reference to past data, but not out of a "belief" of growth. Achieving "growth" regardless of situation causes two problems: 1) The mgmt. is unwilling to adopt a defensive strategy even subjective environment calls for, 2) Irrational actions are often resulted from this obsession towards growth.
2. Talking about philosophy and value
Philosophy/value should only only be talked about when achieved.
3. Fixing family members in the Board/Management
Family business cannot attract and retain people with ability.
4. Some jobs can only be performed by specific workers
Know-how sharing is inadequate, affecting business continuity.
5. Salespersons staying in office for paper works
They do not have enough "weapon"/support.
6. Relying too much on new products
Profitable company do business by extending the market of sellable products and introduce continuous improvements on them. Reusing common parts/functionality between product, which saves cost, become difficult if there are too many products.
7. Some salesmen are performing exceptionally well
The existence of exceptional performers may mean someone is doing hard-selling or immoral selling, or there is unfairness in the allocation of sales district/prospects. The author advices companies to create a fair sales environment and to promote team excellence over individual achievements.
8. Talking about qualities (hardworking, diligence etc.) but does not provide ways
Company should provide infrastructure that guides workers towards the direction wanted, instead of telling a direction and expect the worker to invent their own ways.9. Lots of CC mails
CC mails are indications that responsibilities are not clearly-defined and people are unwilling to bear the responsibility of misses (I've CCed you and you didn't say its not OK). Not only is it wasteful to read unrelated mails, large amount of CC mails also create plenty of misses as "who are to do what" and "who are to make the final say" are not explicitly told.
10. Number of staff keep increasing
Many companies expand head count when there are sales leaps/production peaks. However, people employed at that time tend to be low in productivity (it takes 1-2 years to establish a worker but these people are forced to perform immediately, or they are employed with lowered standard to meet immediate needs).
