
IDEA #319:一物二用



簡單說,說明書屬於結構化的寫作(Structured Writing)。簡單說就是將要表達的東西分拆成多個組件去編寫,而每一個組件的風格、結構、以致表達方式都有詳細規定。結構化寫作的最大好處,是讓內容風格統一、變得容易管理和容易翻譯,最適合使用於大型產品網站。


最近很多人都用上了iPhone 4,而iPod Touch也基於iPhone 4的技術,推出新版本。我們看看蘋果網站中兩個產品的說明文字,就會明白什麼是結構化寫作。

  • 特色標語(Feature Tagline)
  • 特色短述(Feature Short Description)
  • 特色描述(Feature Description)

在首頁,iPod Touch的特色標語是“Retina display. Truly visionary”,而iPhone 4的特色標語為“Retina display. 960 by 640 Wow”,只是換尾不換頭。然後在內頁,iPod的特色標語是“More wow per inch”,借用iPhone的那個“Wow”字;而iPhone的則是“In a word, resolutionary”,字尾和“visionary”相同,看到是產品之間互相借調用詞。

在首頁,iPod的特色短述是“With remarkable 960-by-640 resolution, everything you see and do on iPod touch looks even more incredible”,iPhone的對應內容是“With a remarkable 960-by-640 resolution in a 3.5-inch screen, text and graphics look unbelievably crisp and sharp”,再來了一次換尾不換頭。

Thanks to the Retina display, everything you see and do on iPod touch looks amazing. That’s because the Retina display’s pixel density is so high your eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. Which means images in games, movies, and photos pop off the screen. Text in books, web pages, and email is crisp at any size. And everything is sharper. No wonder it’s called cutting edge”;

Thanks to the Retina display, everything you see and do on iPod touch looks amazing. That’s because the Retina display’s pixel density is so high your eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. Which means images in games, movies, and photos pop off the screen. Text in books, web pages, and email is crisp at any size. And everything is sharper”,


“Behind the screen of iPod touch, there’s some serious technology going on. By developing pixels a mere 78 micrometers wide, Apple engineers were able to pack four times the number of pixels into the same size screen found on earlier iPod touch models. This many pixels packed this close together — 326 per inch — make graphics and text look smooth and continuous at any size. Prepare to be glued to the screen.

By developing pixels a mere 78 micrometers wide, Apple engineers were able to pack four times the number of pixels into the same size screen found on earlier iPod touch models. This many pixels packed this close together — 326 per inch — make graphics and text look smooth and continuous at any size.



反觀很多公司,都是以每件產品為單位寫作產品描述。舊內容有時都會被再用,但只是胡亂copy and paste,然後由寫手根據個人喜好和風格,隨地加入內容。結果令函生內容(Derivative Content)越來越多,難於管理。

此外,內容沒有嚴謹的內容管理和搜尋系統,只是以Version A, Version B, Updated 2009.04.12 等模糊的檔名來標示變更,既不能精確追蹤版本之間的分別,更不能提示作者哪些內容以往已經寫過,無需再寫。

  1. 調查整理全公司的各式文件內容,找出內容的結構(如標書=簡介+功能描述+日程+預算+...)。
  2. 根據內容的結構,設計內容架構(Information Model),規定每一種文件有什麼組件,什麼組件可以和什麼其他的組件配合,組合的先後次序是怎樣。
  3. 制定每一個組件的編寫指引(Writing Guidelines),以確保它們在語意上(Semantically)可以互相配合。
  4. 設計一個可以獨立儲存和合並組件的資料庫。
當然,這些工作只是技術層面上的基建,能讓參與寫作的人了解整個內容管理系統如何運作,並能寫出能自由配搭的內容,才是Key Success Factor。誠然,不是所有人的腦袋都能夠做到走一步想十步,所以即使COO如何苦口婆心的去“勸誡”同事對外溝通應該如何做,卻仍不得要領...

