
對於時事,一般我都采取漠不關心的態度。時事就是人對社會一些事情和現象的一時之見,今天是股神的明天可以變成估神,關心時事反令人糊塗。如保羅所說,“Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth”,低層次的東西還是少理比較有益。況且,很多問題都需要時間去醞釀,也會隨著時間而改變其性質,不可能在短時間內看出其性質。還是先保持沉默,靜觀事情發展後再作評論會比較合適。
情色問題,基於生理結構,男性受到的影響尤其大。漂亮的姐姐、穿得少甚至沒有穿的姐姐,看一兩眼不是問題,但多看幾眼,事情就會變得不一樣。早上上網時找到一個相當不錯的,教導人如何避免掉進“鹹海”,與及掉進以後如何“鹹魚番生”的網站,當中“What's so bad about pornography”一篇便說出了多看幾眼後所產生的嚴重問題:
So what's so bad about pornography?想看姐姐,唯一健康的做法,就是先盡心(all heart)、盡性(all soul)、盡意(all mind)、盡力(all strength)愛護你的女朋友,使她成為你的妻子,然後終身只看她一個...
I spent 20 or so years pursuing pornography in its various forms. In the years since I was set free in 1998, God has been helping me see and understand his perspective on pornography. I created this page to share that perspective and answer the question, "What is so bad about pornography?"
Overall, porn affects every viewer negatively, regardless of religious belief, creed, gender or age. Here is my list of reasons that explain why.
- Pornography feeds lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, which are never satisfied. It leaves the viewer craving more and more in order to achieve the same "sexual high"...
- Pornography sexualizes the viewer's mindset... Even if a person decides to stop looking at porn, the past images can remain for years or even a lifetime.
- Pornography promotes destructive practices and can lead to progressive addiction. For example, porn sites routinely link viewers to depictions of every type of sexual perversion imaginable...
- Pornography intensifies an individual's drive to serve oneself, rather than serve others. For example, masturbation, which typically accompanies looking at pornography reinforces a self-centered sexual orientation (i.e. lust), which can detract from a person's ability to give and receive love.
- Pornography addiction can lead to debt... Once lured by the free porn to the site, the viewers must then pay to see more.
- ... By viewing porn, the viewer is also contributing to the sexual exploitation of whoever or whatever is in the images he or she is viewing.
- ... Other things porn may inspire in the viewer (which could in turn affect the family) include sexual frustration, lying, abuse, affairs, debt, violent behavior and irrational thinking.
- Looking at porn at work could damage the viewer's reputation, decrease his or her productivity and lead to job loss...
- ... Porn viewers may find that it's difficult to enjoy true intimacy with their spouse when they're fantasizing about somebody else! Additionally, porn builds an unrealistic perception of sexual relations. Porn sex is a portrayal or an act made for the viewer's enjoyment...
- Looking at porn will increase the viewer's tendency to lie, because he or she will have a natural desire to keep it secret to avoid criticism, embarrassment, shame and/or having to surrender their habit.
- Looking at porn can lead a person into masturbation addiction.
- Looking at porn brings serious spiritual consequences. For example, it opens the doorway to spiritual oppression and confusion in the viewer's life...
- Looking at porn helps you start to believe the lies it promotes ...
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