讀了一篇不錯的文章,作者非常強調Getting Organized的重要性。他說:“Staff productivity problems are too often affected by things out of their control”;又說:“Rarely do I find bad intentions or lack of effort are the cause of production difficulties”。
工作做得不暢順,只因兩個原因,就是遇上問題的員工不知道那是一個問題,又或是將問題當成“這裡就是這樣的啦”,而不去解決。CEO曾多次感歎為什麼電腦慢沒有人作聲,其原因就是如此簡單。因而作者說:“I would have never found these problems simply by asking... if people had known what the problem was, they would have solved it”。
- I spent nearly half the day every day getting out to visit with every single person I was responsible for.
- I would stop at their desks or work areas, sit down, and chat with them to find out how things were going.
- I did this by going through their pending files with them. We would go through each piece of work, one by one, and have them process it then and there.
- Most of the people were working extremely hard...but...the general scene was one of disorder.
- Most of the people I managed had no idea how to work effectively.
而事實是如這位經理總結說那樣:The more I concentrated on the basics of work, the more visible the results became.