
IDEA #309:最好的自己



最好的書,很多人一頁都沒有讀過;最好的自己,也很少人思想過。晚上讀Franklin Day Planner筆記本系統的開發者Hyrum W. Smith的“個人憲法(Personal Constitutions)”,裡面所勾勒的,亦正是我理想的自己!

如他所說,個人憲法描寫的,是最理想的自己,還不能完全達到,甚至not even close,但它就如一位建築師的設計藍圖,讓他知道自己應該如何蓋那座要蓋一生的高房,也懂得為什麼要蓋如此的一座房子。


1. I love God with all my heart, mind, and, strength - I seek first the Kingdom of God. I exhibit my love for the Lord by living his laws...I exhibit my love by the life I live and by my untiring effort to serve him in whatever capacity I'm called. (愛,是去服從。)

2. I love my neighbour as myself - ...all men and women are equal in the sight of God. I never do anything in any way to harm or destroy the self-worth of another human being. As far as I am able, I aid all people in their needs... (比別人聰明又如何?)

3. I obey all the commandments of God - The commandments of God are clear descriptions of natural laws of the universe... I obey the commandments for two reasons: 1) God asked me to, and 2) they work. (真理自然行得通!)

4. I am humble - The definition of humility that works for me is: The realization of our dependence on God...Humility is not weakness, merely a recognition of my nothingness in the universe. (你的成就對於整個宇宙又是何等渺小!)

5. I am an outstanding husband and father - I take sufficient, meaningful time with my wife and children to help them in their spiritual, intellectual, social, professional, physical, and financial needs. I love my wife with care, respect, and kindness... (好丈夫和好爸爸要十項全能!)

6. I foster intellectual growth - A man can think no deeper than his vocabulary will allow him to. I read regularly each day. I select my reading from the best books and articles of the day. One cannot teacher from an empty well. (小時唔讀書,大個做運輸;大時唔讀書,一世做笨豬!)

7. I use excellent speech - The ability to communicate orally is a gift... I use the best English and grammar I know. When a concept is served well, people listen and learn. (用字行文要清晰,不可雜亂無章!)

8. I maintain a strong and healthy body - My body is a temple of God that houses my spirit... (身體是神的殿,好好保養,不可糟蹋!)

9. I value my time - ...Inner peace can come only when I manage what I do according to my governing values. I and my colleagues have developed the Franklin Day Planner to aid myself and others in this quest. (在資訊泛濫,眼睛不離屏幕的年代,我們更需要一個好的系統和 learn to disconnect!)

10. I have a period of solitude daily - ...This experience is the beginning of inner peace for each day. (懂得獨處才能得到平安!)

11. I change people's lives - I teach correct principles and do so in such a way that people will be motivated to experiment with and utilize them... (不信條條大路通羅馬、知道什麼是對什麼是不對,然後清楚教導人,就是我的使命!)

12. I have order in my life at all times - I maintain a sense of order in all aspects of my life. My physical surroundings are always clean, organized, and structured so that they bring calm into my life... (寧可不做,也不亂做!)



我常問自己當互聯網有無限GB、電腦硬盤有500GB、iPhone有32GB、USB手指也有8GB的時候,我知道我需要的,和我已經遺忘,但又重要的東西在哪裡嗎?Google Search能讓我找到我不知道用什麼關鍵字去搜尋的資訊嗎? 人類每天都在制造我們自己解決不到的難題,人類又知道嗎?面對生活細節、工作環境、以至整個世界的“亂”,作為以“平亂”為己任的我,又會如何提出解決方案?


