新款的iPod Shuffle沒有屏幕,但能用多國語言讀出歌曲資料,其特點便用了簡單的“輕身細語”來總結;Mac OS10.6相對於10.5來說沒有新增太多功能,但作了很多微調,所以便用了一句“精工細作”來概括。完全不用說能給客戶帶來什麼益處,別人也能從字裡行間感受得到。有墨水,就是有墨水。
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy has three parts, in decreasing order of importance: (相當清晰)Create good software
Our top priority is to create good software. Every engineer loves creating good software (人之常情,無可反駁). All you need to do is set up the environment so they can do it...In typical application development situations, 90% of the programmer's time is spent writing and refining the basic user interface... Under Cocoa, it's down from 90% to about 10%. This gives developers two huge advantages:
1) programming teams can be smaller (we wrote a whole web browser with three people, not 50). (不吹噓作大) 2) a programmer's time can be spent actually innovating, creating new features and making them obvious and friendly and all that good stuff, instead of just getting the basics down and having to ship or go bankrupt.
What does this mean for users? It means the best is yet to come. (風趣幽默,估你唔到)
Make money
Let's not pretend. Omni is a business, and businesses must make money (精華所在,你敢不敢這樣說?). Businesses that lose money can't make good software for very long.Most companies have "Make money" as an invisible part of their mission statement, only it's at the top. We're honest enough to include money on our statement, but we're committed enough to put it after "Create good software".
Have fun
This may seem almost flippant, but we're serious. If you've looked at our employment opportunities page, you'll know that we pay a lot of attention to making Omni fun - because we believe work should be fun, or there's really no point in doing it.If you enjoy what you do, you
do a good job at it. We all enjoy creating great applications, but we have to make sure we enjoy the environment we work in and the projects we work on, or we'll burn out.Having fun is important, but like the ant and the grasshopper, you have to know when to get to work so you can continue having fun. (Although, we've always kind of resented the ant's smugness and asceticism. Honestly, which of them would you rather have at a party?)
Our Ethics
It is our company policy to care about our employees, our neighborhood, our environment, the world. (很多公司都說we care...)We try to write good software, represent it fairly, and stand behind it in any case.
Many corporations consider an act good if it benefits the company — even their charitable contributions are usually motivated by the good public relations, rather than the good of others. We believe that doing good is the highest priority in life, and that our company is an
extension of ourselves, not a separate, amoral entity. "Doing good," to us, doesn't necessarily mean quitting your job and joining the Peace Corps — it means living your life in such a way that you contribute more than you take from the world. (這公司很清晰知道自己在做什麼)We have three base values that are very important to us:
1. Be honest.
2. Be honorable.
3. Be moral.Being honest.
This one is easy. We won't lie to you. We've been told that, in business, you're allowed to lie occasionally. You can say, "Oh, we're almost done with that feature," when really you've barely started it. (我們老板天天說) People expect it. Well, don't expect that from us. We will always be honest with you about the state of our products, and everything else.Being honorable.
We use honorable here to mean: we will conform to our stated values. We won't compromise our values just because it would be easier, or cause less strife, or make us more money in the short run. We won't build crappy software just because we think it will sell.Being moral.
We define a moral action as one which you would praise if someone else did it. It's that simple. (We borrowed this notion from a famous philosopher, actually.)That's it.
It reads like a boyscout manual, doesn't it? But why can't a business be ethical? Why can't a company have values beyond "money good"?We think that being honest, honorable, and moral is what keeps our customers loyal to us.